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Familiar (and not so familiar) scenes of Portsmouth and the Seacoast area with an impressionistic interpretation of the images giving them a light, painterly feel.

The brightness and color of these romantic variations have become some of my favorite works and I hope you derive an equal amount of pleasure from them.
Badger Island ViewState Street ImpressionMoran TugsGundalow "Piscataqua" #1Cotton Tenant HouseBrewster'sMarket Square BenchesMarket Square ViewMarket Square KioskSummer BreezeLighthouse & SailboatMarket Street WindowsNew Memorial BridgeSouth End DoryJefferson StreetLowd HouseChase HouseImpression of Ogunquit BeachImpression - Ogunquit SailboatImpression of Strawbery Banke